Codification System

Centralized Code Management


Prior to implementing the Codification System

Before beginning the implementation of your new codification system, you need to consider the following questions:

  • Which kind of codification process do we have in place?
  • How many stakeholders are affected by the codification process?
  • How many types of codes do we have in place?
  • How many codes exist in our organization?
These are only a few of the many questions we usually considered when assessing existing codification processes. We help to analyze your processes and to measure the quality of your codes.

Codification process assessment

Codes exist in every organization, so a codification process exists even if it is not formalized. Often a specific asset is identified by different codes, provided by different departments. We analyze and consider existing processes and where those are overlapping or creating duplicates. We propose solutions regarding roles and responsibilities for the new Codification System.

Code assessment

The scope of the assessment is not only related to existing processes, but it is about existing codes as well. We identify overlapping and duplicates, we analyze the consistency and quality of the codes.

Example of codification design for quality documents

Outcomes of this analysis

  • AS-IS: mapping of the existing processes and codes.
  • TO-BE: propose a solution to harmonize codes and create transparency, define roles and responsibilities for the new codification process.
  • GAP: we measure the gap between AS-IS and TO-BE analysis. We focus on that GAP to implement the proposed solution in the Codification System and facilitate your transition.

Example of assessment

This simplified, high-level Gantt diagram shows how an assessment could be executed in a medium-sized company. Timing may vary based on specifics and needs.

Example of assessment

Once the assessment is finalized, we will assist in implementing the Codification System.

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